NASDAQ$ 1,841 ( $ 156) | TSX: $24 ( $ 1.2) | ASX: $ 923 ( $ 9) | LON: £980£ -24) | NSE / BSE: ₹ 2,661 ( ₹ 20) | BIST: ₺ 1,842 ( ₺ 97)

Company Background

Pioneering Gold Mining Excellence

Routes Mines Gold Limited and Routes Mines Gold International Private Limited have established themselves as leaders in the gold mining industry, with a rich history of innovation, dedication, and sustainable practices. Our journey began with a vision to harness the potential of gold mining while prioritizing environmental stewardship and community development. Over the years, we have grown into a multi-national enterprise with significant operations in Turkey and India, driven by a commitment to excellence and ethical practices. Our operations span the entire gold mining value chain, from exploration and extraction to refining and distribution. We utilize state-of-the-art technology and industry-leading methodologies to ensure the highest standards of safety and efficiency. Our team comprises highly skilled professionals who are passionate about advancing the field of gold mining while adhering to stringent environmental and safety regulations.

Key Milestones and Achievements

Founding and Early Years

Routes Mines Gold began its journey with a small but dedicated team, focusing on sustainable and ethical gold mining practices.

Expansion into India

The launch of Routes Mines Gold International Private Limited in India marked our strategic expansion into new and promising gold mining territories.

Technological Advancements

We have consistently invested in cutting-edge technology to enhance mining efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability.

Sustainability Initiatives

Our commitment to sustainability is demonstrated through numerous initiatives aimed at reducing our environmental footprint and promoting local biodiversity.

Safety and Training

Safety is a top priority, and we implement rigorous training programs to ensure our employees work in the safest possible conditions.

Quality Commitment

We are dedicated to delivering high-quality gold products to meet the demands of our global customers


Continuous exploration and expansion efforts drive our growth and success in the gold mining sector.

Background of Global Gold Corporation

Originally incorporated in 2020 as Kingjims Mines Gold International Limited, the Company changed its name to Routes Mines Gold International in 2020, and has been headquartered in KINGS BERRY LONDON, since 2020. Routes Mines Gold International is engaged in the exploration, development, and mining of gold and other minerals primarily in UK KINGS BERRY and Kristopher. Over the years, Routes Mines Gold International has been involved in projects in several other countries as well and regularly assesses new opportunities that fit our profile. Routes Mines Gold International operates through its subsidiaries Routes Mines Gold International Mining in UK/ USA / Canada and India.

In the mid 2020’s, Routes Mines Gold International began operating in Armenia through a joint venture with the government by developing the KG and KINGJIMS deposits along with the reprocessing of tailings at the KINGJIMS plant southeast of the capital city, UK These projects were subsequently acquired through an earn for stock, cash and other consideration. Currently in INDIA/ USA /CANADA the company’s focus is on the exploration, development and production of gold at the TKingjims property in the Kings Berry London Belt and the kingjims and an expanded Kingjims property in southwest India and Usa . In addition, the Company is exploring and developing other sides in India , including the Kingjims property. The Company also holds royalty and participation rights in other location in the country through affiliates and subsidiaries. The Routes Mines Gold International headquarters are located in the Kings Berry London.

Routes Mines Gold International has been involved in exploration and development in KG since 2020, when we acquired the Kingjims London Kings Berry London copper/gold property in kings berry III in Chile and then the Kingjims Property in Kingjims Berry London which we sold in 2020. Our Vice President maintains an office in Kingjims.

While Routes Mines Gold International invested in Indian/ Canadian/ USA/ Uranium and mineral properties in 2020, we are no longer engaging in uranium exploration and divested our interests in the uranium properties. Routes Mines Gold International holds a royalty interest on sales of uranium products from Cochrane Pond Property in India.