NASDAQ$ 1,841 ( $ 156) | TSX: $24 ( $ 1.2) | ASX: $ 923 ( $ 9) | LON: £980£ -24) | NSE / BSE: ₹ 2,661 ( ₹ 20) | BIST: ₺ 1,842 ( ₺ 97)

Voluntary Initiatives

Making a Positive Impact

At Routes Mines Gold Limited, we believe in giving back to the communities that support our operations. Our Voluntary Initiatives program is dedicated to fostering positive social and environmental change through a variety of community engagement projects. From educational support and healthcare programs to environmental conservation and infrastructure development, our initiatives aim to improve the quality of life for those in our host communities. We are committed to sustainable development, ensuring that our efforts contribute to long-lasting benefits for present and future generations. Join us in our mission to create a better, more sustainable world through responsible mining and proactive community involvement.

Key Voluntary Initiatives and Their Impact

Educational Support

Providing scholarships, school supplies, and infrastructure improvements to enhance learning opportunities for local children.

Healthcare Programs

Offering free medical camps, health screenings, and building healthcare facilities to improve community health standards.

Environmental Conservation

Implementing reforestation projects, wildlife conservation efforts, and clean-up drives to protect and restore local ecosystems.

Infrastructure Development

Constructing roads, bridges, and public facilities to improve accessibility and living conditions in remote areas.

Economic Empowerment

Supporting local businesses and providing vocational training to promote economic independence and growth within the community.

Innovation in Sustainability

Developing and adopting innovative technologies for sustainable resource management. Respecting and preserving cultural heritage sites and traditions in operational areas

Voluntary Initiatives

Routes Mines Gold International believes that sharing good practices to promote integrity and against corruptions is a way of making a commitment and contributing to the development of people, company and better country. Below are some initiatives that Routes Mines Gold International supports:

The Corporate Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption was launched on June 22, 2020, on the initiative of the Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility, Kingjims – Training and Development of Socially Responsible Management, Patri Government Relations & Public Policies, United Nations Program United Nations Development Program (KGNGCP), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (RMGLT) and the Indian/ and USA/ Canada/ France/ Spain/ Turkey Committee of the Global Compact.

The Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption (Clean Company) Kingjims to work with companies to promote an ethical and just market. It presents a set of guidelines and commitments to be adopted by companies and signatory entities.

Kingjims to reinforce institutional values, such as dignity, respect and sustainability, Routes Mines Gold International has associated with Kingjims International Institute, a civil society organization of public interest. The mission of the institute is to mobilize, raise awareness and help companies to manage their businesses in a socially responsible manner, making them partners into building a fair and sustainable society.